
Causes Itching In Breast

A woman must have breasts, both large and small size. Size is not an issue, which is important we must be grateful because this is a gift to be treated. Women need to be sensitive to what is experienced by your breasts. Itching of the breast often experienced by many women.

Women often made concerned with various issues arising in the breast area. In addition, there is also the problem that cause discomfort, itching of the breast. What causes itching in the breast?

In the breast are glandular tissue, is useful to support lactation. Breasts are also surrounded by fat cells, lymph nodes, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, all of it is covered by skin that contains the hair follicles and sweat glands.

The discomfort you can feel when experiencing intense itching in the breast, whether it's under or around the breast. Itching can also be used as a reference that there are serious problems in your breasts, because it causes intense itching in the breast is very diverse.

Quote from Livestrong, mentioned some causes of itching in the breast, the following explanation:

1. Improper use of bra

Bra should be used correctly, which is to protect the breast. The use of a bra that is not true, as the use of the tight bra, bras are not washed clean, and the materials used to make bra is not right with your skin so that the skin becomes itchy. We recommend using a bra that fit the size of the breast, Pemakian that do not fit will cause itching of the breast.

2. Stress

The itching will meningeal along with the arrival feelings of stress. Stress causes itching becomes meningeal prompting you to scratch it. It's easy to cause infection, and stress can also weaken the immune system. you'll want to avoid the stress.

3. There is irritation or allergic skin breast

Irritation or allergy occurs due to detergent residue, exposure to chemicals, cosmetics that cause itching, rashes and redness.

4. Infection

Breast infections such as mastitis cause itching of the breast, the condition is often experienced by breast-feeding mothers. Existing skin around the nipple is dry due to breastfeeding, this will cause bacteria and virus entry in the breast that can cause infection. Itching of the breast are also caused by some other infections, such as eczema infection, smallpox, mildew and scab.

5. Breast cancer

Itching of the breast can be a form of breast cancer. Breast cancer can cause symptoms of itching. Symptoms of breast cancer, such as breast becomes enlarged, swollen, red, scaly skin, pain, and itching.

For women, the itching of the breast that appears suddenly felt very disturbing. To prevent this, you can apply lotion after a shower in the area of ​​the breast skin, it helps moisturize the skin thus inhibiting the skin dryness that usually trigger itching. Also use brassiere-based soft and can absorb sweat. If you have an infection pigeon breast, use antifungal cream to treat it. It is better to consult a doctor if you experience itching does not go away.

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